
Al-Shumul Islamic Microfinance Bank in the Republic of Yemen – Aden, is one of the most prominent financial institutions in Yemen, and plays a major role in the country’s economic transformation. The bank aims to make a qualitative leap in the Yemeni banking sector and support the growth of the Yemeni economy and digital transformation. Al-Shumul Bank contributes to meeting the aspirations and ambitions of future projects that support the Yemeni economy and digital transformation. The bank provides a wide range of leading digital financial and banking services at the local and regional levels, and strives to be the best in several areas such as electronic services and customer service. It also seeks to be a preferred choice for employees and a leading provider of banking services that comply with Islamic law.

قيمنـــــــــــــا المثلـــــــى


role model

To be a role model for innovation and providing convenient service to the customer.

respect for the individual

Respect for the human being must be given priority as he is God’s representative on earth.


Working to achieve transparency, fair and clear dealings in all procedures and products.


We are committed to the highest standards of quality, to preserving the rights of our clients,

Our vision

To be the first Yemeni bank and the reference for excellence in product innovation and the most superior and technical to provide integrated financial and Islamic technology solutions and services and payment services, in accordance with international business standards, professional practices and optimal legitimacy.

Our Message

“Uniqueness and distinction” in excelling in providing Islamic banking services, solutions and innovative modern financial technology services that comply with the principles of Islamic Sharia to achieve the best value and sustainable benefit for all parties and all components of Yemeni society.